Video Marketing Master-class
Video Tree is an innovative video marketing business run by
digital marketing and video production experts providing solutions
for businesses who wish to incorporate a video strategy into their existing marketing strategy.
Video Tree work with a range of
SMEs's including jewellery companies, sculptors, fashion, food and
Click here to see sample video made for Sean Egan Art glass.
Benefits of Video Marketing:

your business with effective moving visuals is proven to be
the most impactful method of engagement over text and photo content.
Benefits of video marketing include:
- Developing a powerful presence on YouTube, the second largest search engine on the web,
- Video content will add value to your social media strategy.
- Google love video so by having video on your website you will boost your rankings on Google search results
- With just one video you can drive more engagement on your website.
- Video creates an emotional connection with your audience encouraging more trust in your products and services.
Video Marketing is for business big and small:
Regardless of the size of your business, you must have a
video strategy of some level to succeed on line into the future.
Video Tree will show you how you can apply a video strategy that fits
with your budget. By 2018 it is estimated that 80% of internet traffic
will be video and as consumer demands rise for video content, the
cost of video content creation has become more affordable meaning
that all sizes of businesses can integrate a video strategy to their
business to connect with their visitors, develop trust and showcase
themselves, their products and their services to increase the likelihood
of conversion.
This workshop will give you tips, tricks and techniques for
marketing your videos on line.
Exclusive Offer
All participants in the workshop will get an exclusive
discounted rate on a Video package to include recording, editing and
promotion. If you think you might like to promote your business through video
I would strongly urge you to attend so you can learn more
Video Marketing Master class start on Wednesday 11th November 2015 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, cost €15.
For more information call (058)23598 or e- mail